Now, I will say 30 doesn’t look anything like I thought it would..
but so what?!
Maybe it’s the new year, or maybe it’s the new me, but I have recently become somewhat of a reflective person. So, this post is probably half reflection, a decent portion therapeutic journaling, some part red wine, and at least 23% cliché, but here it goes. After reviewing my last decade of life, there are some things that are true for me at 30 that were not so true at 20:
- I know what I’m talking about at least half the time.
- I don’t worry so much about things I can’t change or what people think.
- I worry about things like lowering my cable bill and what’s covered by my insurance.
- I know how to really enjoy a day off.
- I read poetry and I like it.
- I go to the dentist because I want to. Research tells me I will live an average of 7 years longer if I see my dentist regularly. I’m excited to turn 30. I want to give myself a shot at being excited to turn 90.
- Mundane tasks like cleaning, cooking and sleeping are nothing less than therapeutic.
- Speaking of sleeping- it’s a necessity, not a luxury.
- Speaking of therapy- I go.
- I don’t shy away from confrontation.
- I can say “No.” To my friends. To my family. To my co-workers… and the world still spins. Fancy that.
- I don’t pretend to like things I don’t like.
- I don’t like alcohol. Or I should say, it doesn’t like me. Apparently somewhere between the age of 20 and 30, I developed an alcohol allergy. Except for wine. Wine is still my friend.
- I don’t put too much effort into relationships that are not meaningful.
- I know that failure isn’t really failure, because it means I tried. Rather, it’s a chance to try again with more experience.
- I know that people change, relationships change and sometimes relationships end, and when they do, I will be okay.

As it turns out, I’m entering this new decade with better judgment, partly because I have a clearer understanding of what I want out of life, and partly because I’ve “been there done that.” To quote Maya Angelou, “When you know better, you do better.”
So, here’s to doing better.
I’m just turned 26, but I’m so working on all of these. Like…everyone spoke to me…but really the "I know what I’m talking about at least half the time." Still working on that one. Hilarious how in HS I definitely thought I had that one, then college and post college have me way less confident. Haha Love the post! And happy birthday! <3